When you are having to get your papers in order to fight to prove you did not do anything wrong pertaining to Medicaid fraud, you could be in for a very long road ahead. The letter that notifies you of the fraud can often be written in a way that makes the issue seem more complex than it need be. The best way to get to the root of the trouble and put this entire episode behind you is to reach out for the help of a local medicaid fraud attorney.
Preparing Your Case Professionally
Most people who receive notification they must appear in court concerning Medicaid fraud simply get overwhelmed and confused, waiting until the last minutes to try and come up with something to prove their story. Your local Medicaid fraud attorney will be able to break down the letter and discover exactly what it is the courts require, and in many cases this can be resolved without you having to set one foot in the court. Leaving this to the experts is your best chance to having the outcome result favorable for you.
The Failure to Comply
Make the mistake of not responding to that letter or showing up to court unprepared, you risk having to deal with a number of harsh penalties that could have all been avoided had you simply called in the local local Medicaid fraud attorney. The judge could get irritated if you are not prepared, and in an effort to make an example out of you, hand down severe fines that could negatively impact you for years. The judge has the right to take away your benefits for a predetermined time or permanently in extreme cases. In some cases, people have been ordered to pay back all the benefits they have received.
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